Juan Trigos


Juan Trigos Synister


Works in progress...



She dresses in black. Black mandil Long. She enter dancing and crouching. She bows. She returns to dance, now trying not to lean, but she cannot and ends up crouching. She pretends she howls. Run, dancing. Try to escape from the imaginary wolf who stalks her. She stops and confronts the illusory animal. Scratches the air. She hits his chest. Returns to dance, ducking. She is crossed. She tries to avoid falling down but she cannot. She gets up and dances. Now she is preparing the food. Turns on the stove and dances. Angry, she throws the imaginary pots, but then she ducks. She takes an imaginary knife and hits the air with it. She bends down and gets up. Dance slashing the air. She bends down and thinks. Move again. Now imitate the movements of a feline. Growls. She dances with a rag doll. She kisses and shakes it. She crouches in front of it. Finally she repeatedly stabbed the rag doll. She throws it to the ground and then starts crying.

The madness was present, outside of it, She-Meow, since she was born. She took the form of a woman. She put her mother's hat on her head, obsessed with the idea of being a cat. Then, the waters of madness soaked the inside of her person and she, She-Meow, was left homeless, without a father and without herself, but treasuring the immense affection of a mother who never accompanied her.

Juan Trigos Synister




Ella viste de negro. Mandil negro. Largo. Entra bailando y agachándose. Hace reverencias. Vuelve a bailar, ahora tratando de no inclinarse, pero no puede y termina agachada. Ella finge que aúlla. Corre, bailando. Trata de escapar de lobo imaginario que la acecha. Se detiene y enfrenta al animal ilusorio. Rasguña el aire. Se golpea el pecho. Vuelve a bailar agachándose. Se persigna. Trata de evitar caer hincada pero no puede. Se levanta y baila. Ahora está preparando la comida. Prende la estufa y baila. Enojada, arroja las ollas imaginarias, pero luego se agacha. Ella coge un cuchillo imaginario y golpea el aire con él. Se agacha y se levanta. Baila acuchillando el aire. Se agacha y piensa. Vuelve a moverse. Ahora imita los movimientos de un felino. Gruñe. Ella baila con muñeco de trapo. Lo besa y zarandea. Se agacha delante de él. Finalmente apuñala repetidas veces al muñeco de trapo. Lo tira al suelo y luego se pone a llorar.

La locura estuvo presente, fuera de ella, Ella-Miau, desde que nació. Tomó la forma de mujer. Se puso el sombrero de madre en cabeza obsesionada con la idea de ser una gata. Luego, las aguas de la locura remojaron el interior de su persona y ella, Ella-Miau, se quedó sin casa, sin padre y sin yo, pero atesorando el cariño inmenso de una madre que jamás la acompañó.

Juan Trigos Synister



September 29 at 8 pm
Greenwich House Music School, New York

October 7 at 5 pm
Teatro de la Danza, Mexico City



Quartetto da Do Aires violentos(Rev. 2007) 13’
Ballet for one female dancer and ensemble
Based on a text by Juan Trigos Synister
Instrumentation: soprano and alto saxophone (one player), guitar, accordion and bongó 

Ella-Miau(2018) 45’
Opera in one Act for soprano and ensemble
Libretto by Juan Trigos Synister
Instrumentation: alto saxophone, electric guitar, piano/Fender piano, accordion and percussion



Luis Martín Solís, Stage Director
Erika Torres, Choreographer and dancer
Luciano Trigos, Scenography and Costumes Design
Katty Amador, Realization of the scenography
Daniela D’Ingiullo, Soprano
Hypercube Ensemble:
Erin Rogers, saxophones
  Jay Sorce, acoustic and electric guitar
  Andrea Lodge, piano, electric piano and accordion
  Chris Graham, percussions

Luis Martín Solís
Stage Director

Erika Torres
Choreographer and Dancer

Luciano Trigos Escenographer
Katty Amador 
Ella-Miau's house structure

Daniela D'Ingiullo
Ella-Miau, Soprano
